Collection (only in portuguese)
Explore the Money Museum collections, where you can find thousands of coins, banknotes and other objects related to the history of money and Banco de Portugal.
4 excelentes
Country/Region: Espanha | Dating: 1497-1516 | Ruler: Fernando II de Aragão. Isabel I de Castela. Joana de Castela
4 excelentes
4 maravedis
Country/Region: Castela (Espanha) | Dating: 1350-1369 | Ruler: Pedro I de Castela
4 maravedis
4 reais
Country/Region: Açores | Dating: 1582 | Ruler: D. António
4 reais
4 reais
Country/Region: Portugal | Dating: 1582 | Ruler: D. António I
4 reais
4 reais
Country/Region: Portugal | Dating: 1582 | Ruler: D. António I
4 reais
4 reales
Country/Region: México | Dating: c. 1544 | Ruler: Carlos I de Espanha. Joana I de Espanha
4 reales
4 réis
Country/Region: Índia | Dating: 1769 | Ruler: D. José I. D. João José de Melo (governador)
4 réis
4 tari
Country/Region: Malta | Dating: 1622 | Ruler: Luís Mendes de Vasconcelos
4 tari
4 zecchini
Country/Region: Malta | Dating: 1723 | Ruler: António Manuel de Vilhena
4 zecchini
40 nummi
Country/Region: Trácia (Turquia) | Dating: 538-539 | Ruler: Justiniano I
40 nummi
40 reais
Country/Region: Portugal | Dating: 1588-1596 | Ruler: D. Filipe I de Portugal
40 reais
40 réis
Country/Region: Brasil | Dating: 1695-1697 | Ruler: D. Pedro II. João de Lencastre (governador-geral)
40 réis
48 000 réis
Country/Region: Portugal | Dating: 1822 | Ruler: D. João VI
48 000 réis
48 000 réis
Country/Region: Portugal | Dating: 04-08-1822 | Ruler: D. João VI
48 000 réis
48 000 réis
Country/Region: Portugal | Dating: 1824 | Ruler: D. João VI
48 000 réis
48 000 réis
Country/Region: Portugal | Dating: 17-11-1825 | Ruler: D. João VI
48 000 réis
48 000 réis
Country/Region: Portugal | Dating: 04-12-1838 | Ruler: D. Maria II
48 000 réis
48 000 réis
Country/Region: Portugal | Dating: 26-04-1839 | Ruler: D. Maria II